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Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation

Built in 1783 in Baroque style, the church is adorned with an ornate façade and stone steps leading up to the church. The tall stone bell tower is older than the church itself and was erected in the 16th century. At the top of the upper floor, there are 8 stone mascaron heads on the semicircular arches of the bell tower. What is noteworthy about the parish church is that it was built as a whole – it has not been expanded, built upon or restored, so it is proportionate, harmonious and beautiful. Within the church is the sacristy, the original church of St. Mary, built in 1519, and later beautifully integrated into the parish church by the architect.

The interior of the church has the character of a cathedral, full of light, with seven marble altars carrying valuable paintings, works of Venetian painters. The most valuable are the one attributed to Sebastian Ricca and the second one which depicts the Assumption of Mary, on the back of which is written “Paolo Veronese pixit 1500”. The church also houses an organ made in 1822 by the Callido brothers of Italy.

The Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation is a culturally protected heritage of the Republic of Croatia.

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